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From Silence & Solitude to Community to Ministry, August 7, 2024

About the Program

This Quiet Day will be a day of prayer, reflection, and guided meditation drawing on teachings from spiritual guide Henri Nouwen. Meditations will follow Nouwen’s invitation to a spiritual journey moving us from silence and solitude to community and on to ministry as we follow Jesus’s teachings. Participants will experience opportunities to contemplate and explore this movement as it relates to their own journeys. Time will be spent in corporate silence and engaging with spiritual practices throughout the day.

Dr. Linda Williams is a co-director of the Adelynrood School for Spiritual Direction. She has an active spiritual direction practice that grew out of her doctoral focus on ethics and social justice and her spiritual discovery of a contemplative life. Linda has served in a range of diocesan ministries, including several years on the Commission on Ministry, teaching Christian Ethics for the Deacon Formation Academy, and development of a Second Half of Life Ministry for the Diocese of Arizona



Wednesday, August 7 @ 9:00 a.m.
(Check-in 8:30 a.m.)

Wednesday, August 7 @ 4:00 p.m.

Program Fee: $175
w/ Meal: $197

Register for this program online or by mail. If you have questions, use the contact form or call our Reservations staff at 978-462-6721 ext. 31.


Print out this form if you’d like to register via mail.